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Unfortunately we are unable to sell Gift Coins in your selected currency/region.
Alternatively, our Digital Gift Voucher is available for all currencies.
Our Gift Coin is the most beautiful gift in itself. Perfect for those who like to choose for themselves, for anyone who may be saving up for that special piece or a group of friends marking each other's big occasions.
Each Coin comes engraved with a unique code that can be used online or in our flagship store. This code has no expiry date and any unspent balance will remain on the Coin.
Coin size: 35mm diameter
“Give them the Gift of Choice”
Simply add the engraved code from the back of your Gift Coin to the ‘Gift card’ section at the checkout. You’ll need to show the staff member your Gift Coin if you’re making a purchase in store.
Yes, Gift Coins can be used in our store. Show the staff member assisting with your purchase.
Contact Customer care at to check your Gift Coin balance. You will need the code on the back of your Coin to check your balance.
Yes, you may use multiple purchased Gift Coins on an order. Enter each code into the ‘Gift card’ section at the checkout.
Unfortunately we cannot offer returns on Gift Coins.
Yes, the Gift Coin is yours to keep and treasure forever.
Each Coin is unique in it’s value. You can buy additional Gift Coins for any value between €100 - €10,000, but as each Coin has a unique Coin it cannot be topped up. Need a top up in a hurry? Purchase a Digital Gift Voucher here.
Gift coins received through promotions such as events and competitions may only be used once on an order. For example; you may use two purchased gift coins in conjunction with one promotional gift coin but not two promotional gift coins in conjunction with one another.
Gift coins received through promotions such as events and competitions may only be used once. If the value of your order is less than the value on the gift coin, the balance may not be used on a subsequent order.
If you have received your gift coin through one of our events or competitions, this is a promotional gift coin. If you’re in doubt, please contact one of our care team who will be happy to verify this for you. Do note that promotional gift coins may not be used in conjunction with each other or any other promotions or discounts.